Spring Cleaning Checklist: Room By Room

It’s Spring and you know what that means, right? Time for spring cleaning (and of course spring showers, spring gardening, spring blooms) all that fun stuff. But I am most excited for Spring cleaning, yeah I said it! I just love deep cleaning and having a fresh house to go with the fresh feel that the Spring season brings. However, I will say that I tend to get a tad overwhelmed with all the cleaning mostly because I am a mom. If you are a mom then you know, it is no easy feat cleaning the house with littles in tow.

So I decided to make a Spring cleaning checklist to help with the overwhelmed plus it is so satisfying checking off those boxes, am I right? You can download the checklist here. Or you can scroll and read through in a more detailed manner and then grab the checklist at the bottom. 🙂 Either way, you are set! But before we get started…I wanted to share some tips for setting yourself up for success especially if you are a busy mama (but you don’t have to be a mama for these tips).

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Some Tips To Keep In Mind For Spring Cleaning

women with cleaning supplies

Make A Plan To Clean:

You don’t have to do the Spring cleaning all in one day or even in one week. If you are a mom, unless you can get a babysitter, that is nearly impossible. So to set yourself for success, give yourself 3-7 days for deep cleaning each room! Take your time and take the pressure off. I have found it so much easier to focus on one room at a time. And if you finish early then you can start the next room with the same method. Try to devote an hour each day if possible to start the deep cleaning process! But don’t beat yourself up if you only get a couple things done a day!

Make Sure You Have All Your Cleaning Supplies Before You Start:

I cannot tell you how many times I decided that I am going to start cleaning and then I don’t have the right cleaning products to get the job done. So frustrating! So make sure you look through all your cleaning products and make sure you write down what you need to go purchase!

Let go of expectations & Make it fun:

Spring cleaning isn’t always fun and sometimes can be stressful especially if you have little ones. Just remember to take one day at a time and let go of those expectations. If while you are deep cleaning one area of the house while your littles are destroying another area, it’s okay! It’s close to impossible (at least for me) to have a completely clean house with littles. The goal is to deep clean not necessarily have everything picked up!

Now for the make it fun part: Blast some music, open up windows, and let that sunshine in. Light some candles and dance your way around the room while you clean! It’s going to feel so great once your whole house has been deep cleaned!

Alright, now that we covered some tips before starting your spring cleaning, lets get to the actual cleaning! Below is a list of rooms and what to clean in each room. Don’t forget to download your Spring cleaning checklist so you know exactly what tasks to tackle and to check it off!

text over a picture of grapefruit and lemons on a kitchen counter

Spring Cleaning Room By Room


*Remove Items off counters and in cabinets. Then wipe down counters and wipe out the inside of the cabinets. Wipe outside of the cabinets as well.

*Wipe down all appliances.

*Clean inside of oven and on top of stove. Wipe outside of oven down. And vacuum underneath oven if you have a gap.

*Clean inside and outside of microwave.

*Start cleaning cycle  for dishwasher.

*Clean inside and outside of garbage can.

*Sweep and mop floors.

*Remove food from fridge and deep clean the fridge out. Throw away old leftovers or any expired food.

*Remove old or unwanted items from pantry. Clean shelves off, sweep and/or vacuum floor and put items back in an organized fashion.


*Vacuum couches, floors, and corners of room, and under furniture.

*Shampoo cushions and floors. Clean and shine hardwood floors if you have any.

*Dust pictures, lamps, or hanging lights, walls, blinds, shelves, etc.

*Wash pillows and/or throws.


*Deep clean bathtubs and showers.

*Deep clean toilet and around toilet.

*Remove items from counters and inside cabinets and drawers. Wipe down counters and inside and outside of cabinets and drawers.

*Wipe down sinks and mirrors.

*Wash bath mats.

*Change out shower liner and/or wash shower door.

*Clean out tooth brush holder.

*Toss out old lotions, perfumes, make up, etc. and reorganize items in drawers, cabinets, and closet.

*Empty garbage and clean out trash can.


*Wash all bedding: Sheets, pillow covers, blankets, bedspread, and decorative pillows

*Remove all items on tops of dressers, bedside tables, desks, etc. and wipe all surfaces down.

*Vacuum floors (make sure to get under bed and dressers).

*Dust lamps, lights, corners of wall, tv, blinds, etc.

*Tidy up & put things away (clothes, shoes, books, etc.)

*Clean any mirrors and/or windows.

*Clean and organize closets (donate any unused or unwanted items).

Laundry Room

*Run cleaning cycle on washing machine

*Clean out dryer vent

*Wipe down top of washing and dryer machine.

*Wipe down shelves and cabinets.

*Organize laundry supplies.

*Clean and vacuum the floors and between the washing and dryer machines.

All Rooms

*Clean air vents & replace air filter

*Wipe and dust all blinds, baseboards, light fixtures, & wash curtains

*Disinfect door knobs and light switches

*Remove and shakeout any rugs

*Change out batteries in smoke detectors

And that is the Spring cleaning checklist! I hope it is so helpful and can at least get you started. Download the Spring Checklist for free by clicking the below image.

pin on spring cleaning checklist that shows two free printables

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  1. Such a helpful checklist! Definitely going to use this.

    1. Glad it was helpful!!

  2. I love spring cleaning! Get rid of some stuff.

    1. Me too! It is my favorite thing to do in Spring!

  3. I like that you have this broken down room by room. It makes spring cleaning seem like less of an overwhelming task.

    1. Yes, it helped me with the overwhelm so much!!

  4. I need this badly. There’s been so many stuff in the house needing attention. I’ll definitely print your checklist.

    1. Oh, I am SO happy that it is something you needed!

  5. So organized way of doing stuff as to which to clean first. I may need to start doing the same thing so I’ll know what I’ve cleaned and which still needs one.

    1. The checklist is SO helpful!!

  6. Such a nice and helpful tips. I will definitely follow all of these when cleaning our house. Thank you!

    1. You are so welcome! glad it was helpful!!

  7. I love the idea of letting go of expectation and simply having fun. Something I need to work on.

    1. Yes, makes a big difference!

  8. Spring cleaning can be so therapeutic

    1. yes, it is the best!

  9. I’ve been trying so hard to get to the spring cleaning, but it’s just not happening. I’m sad about it because it always feels so good to have done.

    1. Give yourself grace!! It’s been a crazy year.

  10. We’ve started spring cleaning here! So much more to do! Thanks for this checklists.

    1. You are so welcome!!

  11. Honestly this is super helpful. I get overwhelmed when it comes to cleaning but this list is a great way to remind myself of what needs done.

    1. Glad it was helpful! 🙂

  12. This makes this seem so simple. Definitely am going to try this method

    1. It works really well!

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