If you’re visiting this page, it probably means you’re pregnant. So I would love to say congratulations. It’s such an exciting time but can also be so overwhelming. Your body is going to be going through a lot of changes emotionally and physically. When you’re pregnant for the first time, you have no idea what to expect. I know in my case, the very first thing I did was google all about pregnancy. I wanted to know everything about what it meant to be pregnant. Of course, one outcome comes from google and that left me feeling very overwhelmed.

Being pregnant is of course an absolutely blessing but it does come with a lot of discomfort. There are so many products out there for pregnancy, it’s hard to know what truly works and what doesn’t. I definitely have bought things that I didn’t need or use. I would have loved to save the money and avoid the hassle. I learned a lot during my first pregnancy through experience. When I found out I was pregnant with my second boy, I knew what I needed to buy and what were must haves to get me through my pregnancy.

I am keeping this list sweet and simple as I really am a minimal kind of person. Below are my pregnancy must haves that made both pregnancies more comfortable for me. I hope this list allows you to focus more on enjoying your pregnancy then trying to figure out what exactly you need to feel more comfortable through out your pregnancy.

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pregnant mama on a yoga ball outside looking down at her belly

Pregnancy Must Haves

What to Expect When You’re Expecting Book

This book is great and will serve a purpose beyond your pregnancy. It is a wonderful guide especially if this is your first pregnancy. It covers most questions you are going to have and gives you a lot of tips to prepare for baby. It’s a great reference for all expecting moms and I highly recommend it.


Prenatals are an important part of pregnancy and should be taken as soon as you find out you’re pregnant. I use Nature Made prenatals. I used them for both pregnancies. They are an easy pill to swallow and they don’t smell too bad. I know a lot of women get sick with prenatals. I had morning sickness during both my pregnancies but these prenatals never made me sick.

Giant Water Bottle

You need to drink a ton of water while you are pregnant. It is recommended to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. I am unfortunately the worst at drinking water. But what helped me was buying a 32 ounce water bottle that I kept at my desk at work. I liked to keep track of how much I was drinking so I like the water bottles that have the measurements on there. It was also nice to not have to take a million trips to fill the water bottle up.


You will be hungrier during pregnancy. In my first trimester, whenever the hunger set it then I would get super nauseous. I learned to always have snacks in my purse so I always had something to munch on. It seemed like the more I ate throughout the day, it kept the nausea at bay for the most part. Saltine crackers, mints, fruit snacks, banana, and ginger beer were all things that helped with my nausea.

Related Post: How To Combat Morning Sickness

Oh Baby Pregnancy Planner

I wish I would have had this planner for both my pregnancies but I didn’t come across it until I was pretty much almost done with my second pregnancy. It was made by experienced mamas. It is a wonderful reference for first time expecting moms and even comes with newborn checklists which will be so helpful. I remember just feeling so lost when I first brought Luke home from the hospital. It’s also great if you want to remember everything about your pregnancy. Pregnancy goes by so fast and I really wish I would have kept a pregnancy journal.

If you want to know more details and all that comes with the planner, click the picture below. 🙂

Maternity Clothes

This is a pregnancy must have worth splurging on for sure. It is priceless to be comfortable. Maternity leggings and stretchy shirts made all the difference for me. I hated having anything tight around my belly during pregnancy even before I was showing. I lived in my leggings all pregnancy and postpartum.

I bought more stretchy shirts my second time around because I showed way sooner. I am glad I did. I felt way more confident since my clothes fit me better. I even splurged and bought a pair of maternity jeans.

Nursing Bra & Nursing Tank Top

At some point in pregnancy, you will most likely outgrow your bra. If you plan on breastfeeding then it is worth it to invest in a good nursing bra or two. I bought one when I entered into my third trimester during my first pregnancy. It was way more comfortable. I recommend the nursing bras without the underwire and I personally like a sports bra type of nursing bra.

I didn’t get a nursing tank top with my first pregnancy but learned it’s a must have for my second pregnancy. All of the tank tops I own do not go completely over my belly especially now that I am 38 weeks pregnant. I had no problem purchasing one this time since I know I will also be using it way after pregnancy.

Related Posts:

What I Wished I Knew About Breastfeeding Before I Had Started,

Breastfeeding Essentials That Made Nursing Easier,

How To Know If Your Baby Is Getting Enough Breastmilk

Birthing Ball

A yoga ball is a great way to prepare for labor especially if you are wanting to have a natural labor. It’s a great exercise for pregnant women and will prep those pelvic muscles for labor. I swear bouncing the yoga ball for my first pregnancy helped him come sooner. We will see if it does the same for my second little man.

Related Posts: What I Will Pack In My Hospital Bag The Second Time Around


A good stretch mark cream is definitely a must have during pregnancy. I use Palmers lotion. It may not prevent stretch marks (as I believe it really is genetic) but it doesn’t hurt. I didn’t get stretch marks until the end of my first pregnancy. So for my second pregnancy, I have been putting the cream on regularly and it has helped fade the stretch marks. It has also helped greatly with itchiness.

A comfy pair of flip flops/slip on sandals

Once you reach the end of the second trimester beginning third trimester, putting on shoes gets challenging. It’s so nice to just have a pair of flip flops to slip on especially if your feet get swollen. If it’s winter, moccasins are a great third trimester shoe.

Pregnancy Pillow

I used a pregnancy pillow a lot during my first pregnancy. I usually don’t like sleeping with a lot of pillows but there were times where I couldn’t have slept comfortably without my pregnancy pillow.

I haven’t really used it a lot during my second pregnancy. I used it once to see if it would help with my hip soreness but I woke up in a lot of pain. I don’t know if baby number two is in a different position or what but sleeping with the blanket knotted up between my legs is a lot more comfortable for me this time.

So if you are a pillow person, I would definitely recommend it. Otherwise, I would start with regular pillows and/or blanket and see if that helps. If not, then definitely try the pregnancy pillow.

Compression Socks

If you plan on flying during pregnancy or if you have trouble with leg/feet swelling then compression socks are an important essential to have. Compression socks aid in keeping your blood flowing which is important if you are sitting down all the time or plan on flying where your risk for blood clots increase. Because the compression socks are great for blood flow, it will reduce swelling in your legs and feet greatly.

Related Posts: 10 Need To Know Tips For Flying While Pregnant

mom and baby boy

I hope this list of pregnancy must haves will help make your pregnancy more comfortable. Congratulations again and wishing you a happy, healthy 9 months of pregnancy. <3

As always, if there is a pregnancy must have that wasn’t mentioned, I would love to for you to comment below.

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