How To Combat Morning Sickness

woman in gray tank top lying on bed

It’s no surprise that morning sickness is an unpleasant symptom of pregnancy. I was sick with both my pregnancies well into my second trimester. My first pregnancy was way more difficult in terms of morning sickness simply because I didn’t know how to make it better. I was just as sick as my second pregnancy but with the experience from my first I was able to do things to get through it more easily.

So if you are currently exhausted from being sick everyday and desperate to try anything for relief…I understand completely and I am here for you. There are tips and tricks that can alleviate morning sickness. It may not take it completely away but it will at least be somewhat tolerable. Just know you aren’t alone and it does get better…eventually. And of course, it is ALL worth it. Also, for the most part even though unpleasant feeling, it is a positive sign that your pregnancy is progressing. That definitely helped me get through those real tough days.

Crazy as it sounds but on the days I felt somewhat normal, I would always be concerned about baby. But then morning sickness came back full force the next day. I never thought being sick would give me a sense of relief. Anyways, I recommend trying these tips below and really hope it gives you some relief. You got this mama to be!

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Eat smaller meals and snack frequently:

Every time I felt hunger during both pregnancies, that is when the nausea would start. And if I waited too long to eat, I would throw it all back up. So my advice is not only snack frequently through out the day but also eat as soon as you are hungry. Three meals a day is not a good rule to adhere to during pregnancy. It’s hard to adjust to eating more frequently but you’ll thank me later. Snacks and smaller meals will be your best friend during the first trimester.

Don’t drink water on an empty stomach:

Every time I would drink water first thing in the morning or on an empty stomach, I would always get nauseous and end up throwing up. I learned to have my belly full then drink water. I would also recommend drinking small sips of water throughout the day. There were times where I was so thirsty that I would just down water but then always got an upset stomach after. Taking it slow and sipping water will help drastically.

Avoid foods that can cause indigestion and heartburn:

Being pregnant will already increase indigestion and heartburn which can trigger morning sickness. Avoiding foods that can increase indigestion and heartburn is wise and highly recommended. Avoid citrus, spicy, caffeine, and heavy foods that will make you feel too full. Try to avoid eating late and laying down right after you eat.

What can help with heartburn/indigestion:

Tums (These are safe to take but always check with your physician first)

Mint (This will help with digestion)

Ginger (This will also help with digestion)

Drinking plenty of water

Wear loose clothing (Leggings were my best friend during pregnancy)

These leggings below from Amazon are my favorite.

Give in to your cravings:

If you are as sick as I was and had a hard time keeping ANYTHING down then giving into your cravings when you feel like wanting something is okay. That is your body telling you it needs whatever you are craving. Plus, eating something is better than not eating anything. You will have plenty of time to get back on track with eating better once you get off the morning sickness train. Don’t feel guilty. It is about survival in the first trimester. Obviously try to eat well but don’t feel bad if all you can stomach is starches and sweet stuff.

If you are having a hard time drinking water (I know I did) then try ice chips, lemon water, or Gatorade:

You have to stay hydrated and it is SO important to drink plenty of water during pregnancy. It is hard especially if drinking water doesn’t come naturally to you. My husband is a fish and can down water like it’s nothing. I, on the other hand, have to literally force and remind myself constantly to drink water. Now throw in being sick all the time and the challenge of drinking water throughout the day seems impossible.

What helped me to drink water when I had morning sickness was:

Lemon water: Lemon water helped with my nausea and tasted oh so good. I could drink lemon water all day.

Ice Chips: If drinking water causes you to throw up, then suck on ice chips. That way you are staying hydrated and it’s easier on your stomach.

Gatorade: Gatorade is flavorful and can definitely ease nausea. The electrolytes in Gatorade will keep you nice and hydrated. However, keep in mind that Gatorade is loaded with sugar.

A hack you could try is to drink half water and half Gatorade that way you are cutting your sugar intake by half but still getting the benefits of Gatorade. 

Foods/Drinks that helped ease my nausea:

Saltine Crackers:

These were my best friend. I would munch on them all day at work, at home, in the car, etc. For awhile, it was about all I could stomach. I even had some on my night stand and would eat a couple before getting up. That way I had something in my stomach before moving around which seemed to trigger my nausea.

Green Tea Latte from Starbucks:

Double check with your physician for the okay to drink green tea. Green Tea helps so much with my nausea. It does have caffeine (about 70 mg in a tall at Starbucks I believe) so just don’t have coffee or too much chocolate the same day you have the green tea. Also, there are some articles out there that say green tea can prevent folate absorption so i just made sure I took my Prenatal at a different time then when I would drink the green tea.

Ginger Mints or Regular Mints:

I would also have these throughout my work day every time I started feeling nauseous. It seemed to help somewhat keep the nausea at bay and at least stop me from throwing up.

These Tummydrops are really great.


When I couldn’t keep anything else down, I would drink a smoothie. It settled my stomach and gave me a way to get some nutrients in my system. It was also refreshing. It was really light on my stomach as well.

Ginger-ale or Ginger Beer

Like mentioned above, ginger is wonderful for digestion and settles your stomach so well. I loved ginger beer. It always eased my nausea for a little bit. The only downer is it does have a lot of sugar. So it is something you want to have in moderation.


Any form of potatoes was a tummy favorite for me.

Chicken Noodle Soup: 

Another meal item that was easy for me to stomach. I had chicken noodle soup a lot for lunch during both first trimesters. It also is a good way to stay hydrated as well.


Apples, applesauce, and apple juice made my stomach feel better. This was one of my strong cravings with my first.


Avoid sensitive smells and foods that trigger nausea:

Of course you won’t know until you encounter said smell and food that triggers morning sickness. But once you DO encounter the unpleasant food and/or smell, I recommend to write it down. Keep a journal of foods that didn’t settle well and smells that make you want to throw up. Then stay clear of those triggers until your morning sickness goes away.

Get plenty of rest:

Especially if this is your first pregnancy, get all the sleep you can get. Nap when you can and take it easy. The more rest I seemed to get, the better my morning sickness was. This is a good time for Netflix and chill. You deserve it. Don’t overwork yourself and take a break when you can. Pregnancy is hard on the body…it’s okay to rest.

Now if it’s your second pregnancy, it is harder to just lay down when you feel unwell. You have a baby to take care and he/she does not care if you feel sick. My recommendation is when morning sickness gets rough, ask for help. I relied a lot for my husbands help on the weekends. He took care of my son and I rested to make up for the week.

Vitamin B6 & Unisom:

These can easily be purchased over the counter at any grocery store. This was actually a recommendation from my OBGYN. It’s more of a natural approach to morning sickness. The unisom is supposed to help promote sleep and the vitamin B6 is supposed to help with the nausea. But ALWAYS check with your OBGYN first before buying medication to take during pregnancy.

Ask Your Doctor For Nausea Medication:

If your morning sickness becomes too much for you and it is affecting your lifestyle (can’t work or take care of your baby) then don’t be afraid to ask your doctor for prescribed nausea medication. Do your research, ask your doctor for pros and cons, and decide if that is what is best for you. I personally would recommend trying natural remedies first then if nothing else works, do what you have to do.

I was sick until 16 weeks of pregnancy with my first and 19 weeks of pregnancy with my second which was rough. Once I was out of my first trimester, I asked for nausea medication. Even then I only took it when I absolutely had to. I’m not a big fan of taking medication during pregnancy just because I don’t know the effects. But my doctor reassured me that it was safe especially after the first trimester since baby is mostly fully developed. But again, do your research and do what makes you feel comfortable.

These are the main tips and tricks that really helped me get through my morning sickness. It was more manageable during my second pregnancy because I was able to utilize these tips and tricks. I hope it will help. I know how hard it is to be sick every day. But it does get better and before you know it…you’ll be holding your baby in your arms. You will forget all about the morning sickness until you’re pregnant again that is, ;). Congratulations and prayers for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Did I miss anything? Please comment below with any additional tips and tricks for combating morning sickness.

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  1. I had the worst morning sickness with baby #2. No vomiting, but nausea every single day for 3 months. It was terrible. I lived on crackers and ginger ale. It was the only thing that helped me.

    Loved reading this, despite remembering those terrible 3 months of nausea…

    great post!

    1. Thank you, I appreciate it! I know it all too well!

  2. You are so right about the water on an empty stomach. It makes me queasy now remembering. I took the Unisom and B6 and it worked for the most part. Morning sickness is depressing, and then all of sudden it’s gone.

    1. Yeah, it’s crazy waking up the next day from throwing up and feeling completely fine! Our bodies are so weird but amazing!

  3. I had horrible morning sickness with both kids and it’s one of the main reasons I’m scared to be pregnant again- how in the world am I going to keep up with the kids?! These are some great tips so hopefully they’ll be helpful next time around

    1. That is what made me nervous this time around! But I survived haha and yes I really hope these work for you!!

  4. Such good ideas! Morning sickness can be a hard battle.

    1. Thank you! Yes, it can!

  5. These are great tips! Ginger was my go-to for both of my pregnancies.

    1. Thank you so much 🙂

  6. I couldnt let my feet hit the floor in the morning without eating some crackers with each of my pregnancies. Great list!

    1. Thank you! I was the same way. As soon as I moved in the morning…the nausea hit hard!

  7. Great ideas. I am so glad I didn’t experience morning sickness with my first pregnancy, but I am definitely nervous for getting it when I get pregnant again.

    1. Thank you! Hopefully you will be just as lucky your second time around! Fingers crossed!!

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