mother holding her baby
Five tips for getting through the baby blue phase

Most mamas will go through baby blues right after they have their baby and it can last up to two weeks postpartum. As hard and not fun as it is to go through, it is very normal. For me, I had baby blues after I had both my boys but my second time it was a lot more emotional and intense. I learned some techniques that got me through the blues both times. I felt compelled to share with other mamas who are going through it as well.

Please keep in mind, I am NOT a doctor and this is NOT medical advice. I am simply sharing tips based off my experience only and what helped me. It’s not a one size fits all but I’m hoping if it helped me that it will help you too. Below are five tips that helped me survive the baby blue phase.

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Five Tips on how to conquer baby blues

Ask for help:

You just had a baby. Your body is adjusting from carrying a baby to no longer being pregnant. Your hormones are all over the place. Your tired, sore, and also taking care of a new baby. Whether you are a first time mom or second time mom or third, there are still adjustments that need to be made. Do not be afraid to ask for help whether it be through delegating tasks or someone to watch your baby or babies while you rest.

Talk it out:

I always tend to keep my emotions in. Sometimes I don’t even know how to explain my emotions so I’d rather just keep it to myself. But my second time around, this was a huge breakthrough for me. Being able to talk about my emotions whether it was with my husband, through my blog, or with my friends–it made all the difference in my mental health. I felt this weight lifted off my shoulders when I was able to talk about how I was feeling. Did it instantly take away the blues or the anxiety? No, but it was so nice to share the weight. It also helped my husband to understand a little of what I was going through.

Find refuge in the beautiful moments of motherhood:

Whenever the sadness crept in, I did my best to redirect my attention to all the sweet moments of motherhood. Like watching my oldest son love on his little brother or my husband hold both babies in his arms. All the newborn snuggles that go too quick and their sweet little noises they make. It was hard but I was very intentional about focusing on what was in front of me.

Give yourself grace:

You’ll have some negative thoughts come to you telling you aren’t good enough. You’ll feel lost at times and may even think an awful thought that you weren’t cut out for this. But mama, you are. God gave you your baby because you both need each other. Only you know what is best for your baby. Give yourself grace as you and your baby learn this new world together. 

Remind yourself this is temporary:

Baby blues should only last for a couple of weeks. I had to keep reminding myself I will not always feel this sad. I had to remind myself my body has gone through a lot and that our family has just had an amazing life change. However, if the sadness sticks around or anxiety or anything related lasts longer than two weeks, be sure and consult your doctor as it could be a sign of postpartum depression. 

I hope this helps. If anything, just know…that you are not alone. You got this mama. I believe in you. If you too have gone through baby blues, I’d love to hear what got you through below? 

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