Postpartum Essentials: What I didn’t know I needed

Postpartum what? I knew I had to deliver my first son. I knew I wanted to try to have a natural birth. I knew I needed to get my body ready by doing squats, kegel exercises, etc. But I paid no attention to what happens after birth. I had no preparation of what to expect let alone what I would need to help me recover.

During my pregnancy, I made sure I was very much in the moment; enjoying every new stage of pregnancy like feeling Luke move for the first time, starting to show, and what new development Luke was up to during each week in my belly. I made sure we had registered and was obviously prepared with all the baby essentials we needed (thought we needed) and I even had my hospital bag packed. I thought I was prepared and ready to go but I had literally had forgotten about the postpartum period and I know I can’t be the only one.

Bringing a baby into this world is such a surreal, beautiful, overwhelming, and holy crap I’m in charge of this little human being moment is a lot to deal with on top of your body trying to recover after giving birth. I felt so ill prepared when I got home.

Thankfully, I had brought some items home with me from the hospital but it definitely was not going to last me. I literally was on Amazon buying items (Thank goodness for Amazon Prime) when I had the time to help me with the process. Plus, there were some items I really wish I had that probably would have helped. I had a third degree tear with Luke so recovery for me took a while. If I could go back in time, I would have definitely made sure I was more prepared for the postpartum part of pregnancy.

Below is a list of postpartum essentials that I used to help my recovery process a lot quicker and ease the pain. If you are reading this while expecting, learn from my experience and purchase these items ahead of time.

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postpartum must haves

Postpartum Essentials for your Lady Parts:

Maternity Pads:These will be your best friends for a while so make sure they are comfortable and fit well. Also, it will help to monitor your blood loss (which is important).

Large Underwear:You want to buy a size larger than you wear so you have room for your giant pads and ice packs to soothe your lady parts. These might not be the cutest pair of undies you’ll own but cute goes out the window after you have a baby and comfort is the only thing on your mind. Below are the ones I bought. I purchased a size up from what I usually wear and they were super comfortable and soft even with a pad and ice pack.

Witch Hazel: I was so happy my hospital supplied me with some of these because they were amazing and soothing. You’ll be so sore with aches and pains for a while after delivery but the witch hazel made the recovery process easier.  I had just enough to last me before mine arrived.

Peribottle: This is essential in keeping infections away. Your vagina is going to be so sore that using toilet paper to wipe (especially if you have a ton of stitches like I did) is a no go that this item is a must. I was given one from my hospital but I definitely recommend purchasing one for every bathroom in the house. It hurts to walk after delivering a baby and the last thing you want to do is sit on the toilet to use the restroom and realize the peribottle is in the other room. So having one in each bathroom eliminates that issue.

Numbing Spray: Not only will you be consistently sore down there but after you use the restroom (at least for me), it burned after I went pee to the point where I didn’t look forward to using the restroom. After I went, I’d use the peribottle (make sure it’s with cold water) to rinse myself and then I’d spray the numbing spray and it took most of the pain away. I don’t know what I would do without this stuff!

Stool Softener: The best advice my doctor gave me was to not skip taking these and I am glad I listened. Pooping is hard after giving birth and I am not going to lie but I literally was dreading my first poop after birth. It took me over a week before I finally went (way longer than normal) but thanks to the stool softener medication I had been taking it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. It was uncomfortable and did hurt a little bit but it wasn’t rock hard like it probably would have been if I wasn’t taking it regularly and I am sorry if this is TMI but it’s the truth.

Pain Medication: My doctor prescribed me ibuprofen to take with Tylenol. Check with your doctor first if you are breastfeeding. It definitely helps my recovery process as I was in A LOT of pain for a couple weeks after because like I mentioned before I had a third degree tear. I tried to only take Tylenol for the most part but it just didn’t cut it some days.

Perineal Cold Packs: I used these a lot in the beginning like the first few days after I delivered Luke. It helped bring the swelling down and I would put it right on top of my pad. They have disposable ones or reusable ones which ever you prefer.

Sitz Bath: I didn’tfind out about this until about a week after I had Luke because I had a scarewhere I started to bleed an insane amount. I called the nurse to see if it wasany concern, everything turned out fine but she asked me if I had been doingsitz baths and I had no idea what she was talking about. It was a game changer.Every day after that, I took a sitz bath and it made such a difference not onlyphysically but for my mental health as well. Take your sitz bath up a notch and use my favorite bath salts below.

Hot and Cold Pack:I used this as well for pain and discomfort mainly for my boobs especially when I would get clogged milk ducts. Just make sure you are alternating between cold and heat because too much heat can make the swelling worse. Heating pad also worked wonders for cramping.

Postpartum Essentials for your Boobs:

Prenatals (If you are breastfeeding): It’s important to continue taking your prenatals for as long as you continue to breastfeed so you and your baby are getting enough nutrients.

Nursing Pads: I recommend using disposable pads in the beginning because your boobs are constantly leaking and will do so until your milk adjusts to your baby’s needs.But once my boobs adjusted to my baby boy, I purchased the reusable pads because they are WAY more comfortable. I still had disposable ones on hand for the times I couldn’t get to washing them but that didn’t happen too often.

Disposable Pads:
Reusable Pads:

Nipple Cream My nipples cracked and bled in the beginning and they were oh so sensitive. What really made a difference (I could kick myself for waiting as long as I did to purchase it) is the nipple cream. Within a few days of putting it on regularly,my nipples were back to feeling smooth and were no longer bleeding. And also,it is safe for baby so you do not have to worry about when to put it on or worry about removing it before breast feeding.

Nipple Gel Pads:Also my saving grace in the beginning of my breastfeeding journey. My boobs were so sore and when you are cluster feeding and trying to establish breastfeeding,your boobs will feel like they aren’t getting a break. I would slip these in to my nursing bra in between nursing sessions and it made all the difference. My boobs actually didn’t hurt while I was wearing them.

Nipple Shield: I credit this special device to why I was able to breastfeed Luke. I couldn’t get Luke to latch right after birth because according to the nurse my nipples weren’t long enough for him to grab so she brought me a nipple shield and boom, Luke was able to breastfeed. I am so thankful for this device. It ended up bringing my nipples out and when Luke was a little over 8 weeks, we were able to not have to rely on it anymore. I still kept it around for those times my nipples were extra sensitive.

Suction Milk Saver: I bought this too late and kicked myself for it but I cannot wait to use them for my second little boy due in June. While I was feeding Luke on one boob, the other would leak A LOT. In the beginning, I would literally have to use a burp rag or towel to soak all the milk. All I could think about was how much milk was going to waste. Well by the time I discovered this awesome product my boobs didn’t leak as much and I didn’t really need to use it. Bummer. But definitely for the next baby.

Nursing Bras:Nursing bra is a definite necessity if you are breastfeeding.  I recommend buying a sports type nursing bra that you are able to wear all day and all night since your boobs will be leaking a lot in the beginning and you will be nursing all the time. You want something that is comfortable. Once you are established with breastfeeding then you can buy a cutsey bra for going out.

Nursing Tank Top or Buttoned Down Shirt to Sleep in: You will be nursing every 2 – 3 hours all night in the beginning and you want to make things as quick and efficient as possible when you are a zombie and tired beyond belief. Having easy access to your boobs for your baby makes all the difference. I wore my husband’s shirts for the longest time because they were comfortable on my breasts but I always had to take my shirt completely off so finally I wanted to find something comfortable but more accessible to my boobs.

postpartum must haves

Not your first rodeo? What would you recommend to first time mamas for postpartum essentials you could not live without?

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