Lifesaving products for mom and baby that makes motherhood easier.

Having a baby is one of the best adventures ever but it is a huge life adjustment. There are many things that us mamas sacrifice to take care of our little ones especially in the newborn phase. I am currently in the beautiful yet exhausting newborn stage with my second baby which is what inspired me to do this post. You would think I would have it together since I am a “seasoned” mom. But as they say each baby is different and so here I am feeling like a new mom at times.

Sure some things are easier like breastfeeding and not worrying over every weird thing my newborn does. I am definitely googling things a lot less this time around. However, I am still finding new lifesaver/hacks if you will to help get me through especially since I have a toddler to take care of as well.

I put together a survival guide of items that are super helpful for new moms. Items that got me through with my first and some new items that have helped with my second. There are days where I feel like I am a super mom and can do it all. Then there are those days where I am sinking and drowning feeling like I am failing at this whole mom thing.

So I am always looking for ways to make motherhood a little easier for my babies and I. I hope that you know that you are not alone in those tough days. All mamas have them and just know you are killing it and doing the best that you can. Also, I hope you find this survival guide of lifesavers helpful to get you through those extra tough days.

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Make sure you pin for later if you don’t have time to read or want to come back to it! <3

Dry Shampoo:

Sorry mama, but you may go a few days without showering. Or only have time to do a quick body wash. So Dry shampoo is a lifesaver and a definite mom must have. And when you have two babies, it gets even harder to shower! Dry shampoo has been a life and time saver on many occasions. It allows me to look somewhat put together on those days where getting fully ready was just not going to happen.

I love this dry shampoo below. It makes my hair look and smell fresh.


I know some parents are on the fence about pacifiers but I personally love them for many reasons. Pacifiers are great for soothing babies, reduces SIDS (which is a great reason alone), and help babies sleep.

We were going to try to not have our second boy use a pacifier because we thought it would be hard to cut the habit with out first if little brother had a pacifier. But having two under two, I just couldn’t not have one. There are times where I am busy with my toddler and can’t get to my second right away. I would rather have my little guy using a pacifier then crying. It also made all the difference for his sleep.

The pacifiers we like are the NUK brand. These are the only pacifiers both my boys would take.

Thermal Coffee Cup:

If you are a coffee drinker like I am, then invest in a thermal coffee cup right now. One baby or two, chances are you will be warming up that coffee several times through out the day. When I drink hot coffee, it has to be hot. And for some reason, coffee isn’t as good when it has been warmed up like a million times. This thermal coffee cup has been a lifesaver for me for sure and it’s super cute as well.

On-The-Go Baby Dome By Fisher Price:

I wish I would have had this with my first son but I am so glad I purchased it for my second boy. It can be used inside and outside. The age range is from 0-5 months so you can get plenty of use out of it. My 6 week old loves it and my 19 month old sits in it with him. They both fit really well in it. It entertains them both.

One of the main reasons I got this was because my baby boy was born in June so I wanted something I could put him in while we were outside. It has a net to keep bugs away and also has SPF protection of 20. Perfect for camping, the beach, or just out in the backyard (which is where we are most of the time). It allows me to be outside with my littlest boy while my older boy runs and plays outside.

We got ours for only $40 dollars on Amazon where as I have seen it for $60 at stores like Target. Either way it is worth the investment for sure.

Ring Sling Baby Carrier:

This has been a huge lifesaver for me. I knew with chasing a toddler around that I will need to have my hands free most of the time. Plus, I wanted a carrier I could easily breastfeed in and this is that. It is so lightweight and keeps baby and I cool which is perfect for summer.

It’s really easy to use and adjust unlike the baby wraps that I have tried to use before. It’s perfect to wear around the house and/or out and about. I love it. And it is super affordable. I found mine on Amazon for only $40 dollars.

Muslin Swaddle Blankets:

I bought these for my second baby and I do not regret it one bit. I love a good multipurpose item. It can be used as a swaddle, breastfeeding cover, a great summer blanket, car seat cover, or a burp cloth. It’s so soft and lightweight.

I forgot my nursing cover one time and had this as a blanket for my little guy thankfully. It worked perfect for a nursing cover and kept my little guy cool.

Car Seat Mirror

I am that paranoid mama that always has to have one eye on my babies at all times even in the car. It’s nice to look back occasionally and make sure they are A-Ok. When we switched cars and added another car seat for baby number 2, I could no longer see my little guy so it was a relief when we bought a mirror.

It also helps to see where that pacifier went if your baby is having a meltdown in the back seat.

Pacifier Clips:

I didn’t have to worry about this in the beginning with my first because he would keep it in no problem but once he discovered he thought it was “fun” to throw it that’s when it became a struggle.

The pacifier clip is a lifesaver for sure. It keeps it close and I don’t have to clean it a million times. It is also nice when you have two babies as well and you don’t have to worry about picking it off the floor a million times or losing it so you’re searching for 30 minutes before nap time to find it (yes this has happened too many times).

It’s also nice for in the car meltdowns that happen from time to time.

Pacifier Wipes:

These are handy to have if you forget the pacifier clips. I have loved having these and they work so well. They are natural and don’t have any harmful chemicals. It’s nice for those times you don’t have water or mild soap to rinse the pacifier off. You can also use these for toys too…basically anything that goes in your baby’s mouth.

SwaddleMe Original Swaddle:

I can’t swaddle to save the life of me so it’s easy for me to say this is a huge lifesaver because it does the swaddling for you basically. It’s so easy to use and gets baby nice and snug. It worked well for my first and is working well for my second currently.

I used it as a sleep sack as well once my first could roll over. It served as a cue for sleep and it worked so well.

Munchkin Snack Catcher:

These are a must have lifesaver for sure. They are great for on the go and around the house. Snack time is my favorite time because in all honesty it keeps my toddler busy for a little. It lets me nurse my newborn without having to worry about my 19 month getting into anything or hitting his brother out of jealousy (the struggles of having two under two).

So that is it for now. But I am sure I will have more to add as my babies get older so don’t forget to pin or subscribe for updates. I also would love to know any other lifesaver items that got you through with one or two babies. Comment below.

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  1. Great post! I wish I had thought of a thermal coffee cup when my daughter was a baby. I almost never was able to drink my coffee before it got cold and I must have been too sleep deprived to think of a solution for that problem.

    1. It has made all the difference!! 🙂

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