Daily Motherhood Reminders

It has been a hot minute since I have posted to my blog but I am happy to be back. And hopefully, I can be more consistent because I love helping mamas and I love blogging and I have missed this community. I have decided to start a weekly series on here where every Saturday…I plan on posting Saturday weekly shares where I share some Saturday reminders that I needed and every other mama may need. So below are a few reminders that I hope can remind you of how amazing of a mama you are and that you are doing a good job! And hopefully, there are some daily motherhood reminders you needed to hear or an encouragement you need to enter the week ahead.

Daily Motherhood Reminders Every Mama Needs

Reminder 1:

You DO NOT need to explain how you parent your children or why you parent them differently. What matters is you are parenting in a way that FEELS right and WORKS for your family not in a way that is deemed right by society. What works for one family may not work for you and that’s okay. You may even have to parent your children completely different and that’s okay.

We have to stop putting unrealistic expectations on moms. It makes moms feel like they have do everything right in order to be a perfect mom. It creates too much opportunity to not live up to these false standards of motherhood and leaves room for moms constantly feeling like failures and like they are not enough. Which can lead to anxiety, depression and excessive mom guilt in motherhood (oh hi, it’s me).

Less critiquing moms for not doing things a certain way and more support for moms choosing to do what is right for their family.

Reminder 2:

Give yourself grace, you are being shaped and molded into the mother you were created to be every single new stage in motherhood.

As you approach to every new stage from newborn to toddlerhood to childhood and even to adulthood, we are always going to have a new struggle we haven’t yet faced. And that struggle will cause us to adapt and change even more.

Give yourself grace and know that you are learning and evolving as your child is learning and evolving.

Reminder 3:

A reminder to the mama who is struggling with mental health issues in Motherhood…

Even if you take anxiety medication, get daily exercise, wake up before your kids wake up, spend time with God each day, do self care, take a break, or get extra help…

You will still struggle some days. It’s not your fault if you are in a tough phase or stage with your baby, toddler, or child. You may just have a strong willed toddler or a baby who is teething. Whatever the issue is, it’s not something you can do better. Motherhood throws curveballs every single day and even if we feel like we did all the things to set our minds up for success, we can still have days of struggle.

Our babies/toddlers/children are going through a lot developmentally and while it’s not their fault, it can take a lot out of us. We are humans taking care of little humans. And it’s okay if your best looks different from day to day.

Related Posts:

Reminders For Those Tough Days In Motherhood

The Three Things I Do When I Am Struggling In Motherhood

I hope you leave here feeling encouraged, validated, and hopeful as you take these daily motherhood reminders with you.

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