What Tips I have Learned To Make Life Easier With 2 Babies Under 2

When I found out I was pregnant with my second boy, I was of course super excited but I also had a lot of other feelings. I was nervous about how I would take care of two babies under two. I felt guilty that my attention was going to be split between both of my boys. I felt bad because Luke was only nine months at the time I got pregnant. I knew my hands were going to be full but my heart would also be fuller so that is what I focused on.

Now that my second son is three months and my first son is almost 21 months, I can attest to the fact that yes my hands are extra full. Some days are really hard and some days I feel like supermom. I have had days especially in the beginning where I cried like all day. I have had days where I felt like I lost control and was drowning. But there have also been days where I feel on top of the world and I got it in the bag. That is motherhood though, an up and down roller coaster.

Now that I am three months in being a mom of two under two, I have found some tips that make the days easier. If you’re expecting baby number two or are currently a new mom of two and need some help on how to navigate this new journey, then I hope what I have learned so far can be your saving grace.

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Tips I have found that have my life easier with taking care of two babies under two. #momhacks #newmoms #2under2 #pregnancy #newmomtips #momblogger

Tip #1

Start sleep training your baby early.

And no, I am not talking about crying it out. I mean putting your baby to sleep drowsy but slightly awake. Then putting them to sleep the rest of the way once they are in the bassinet or crib. I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to hold Levi (my second boy) while he sleeps like I did all the time with Luke (my first). So while my husband was on his two week paternity leave, I would start getting him accustomed to nap on his own. Of course I held him occasionally because newborn snuggles are the absolute best but not all the time.

This was a game changer. Of course there are times, where he doesn’t go down right away and I have to go put back to sleep but for the most part he is pretty good at napping on his own. Luke was the opposite. I think that was because he was my first and I always rocked and held him for naps. I would literally hold him for thirty minutes before I laid him down in his bassinet. But with Levi I put him down as soon as he closes his eyes and then pat his stomach or rub between his eyes to get him fast asleep.

Tip #2

Routine, Routine, Routine

I can’t stress how important it is to have a routine in place for both of your children. Babies thrive on routines. And it is also beneficial for us moms. It creates structure, peace, and brings happiness to the home. 

I was really grateful that I had Luke on a good nap schedule before Levi arrived. Having that two hour window where I could have a break and a recharge from parenting both babies was everything. It made a huge difference especially during the newborn stage where Levi needed a lot of my attention. 

Of course we went through a month of Luke refusing naps and that was HARD. But we eventually got through the stage and he is napping again..for now.

It is also important to start implementing a nap routine for baby number two right away. Yes, newborns don’t really have a routine. They eat, sleep, poop whenever. But start paying attention to their natural sleep times so you can establish a routine later on. Routines helps babies nap better and naps are everything with two babies under two. It allows me to have one on one time with Luke.

Tip #3

Let your first baby help when you are catering to your second

I can tell Luke will start to get jealous when he isn’t included. It’s usually when I am nursing Levi or changing him. So I’ll ask him to get me the burp towel or the nursing pillow. I’ll have him pat Levi’s back while I burp him. And for the most part, it helps. His mood changes drastically when he feels like he isn’t being ignored. 

Tip #4

Reassure your first baby

I sometimes forget that Luke went from getting all of my attention to half. I forget that he is also learning how to deal with all of his emotions. So I can only imagine the toll it must have on him and I see it through his behavior some days. I learned that sometimes he just needs reassurance that he hasn’t been replaced. 

If he is crying or having a tantrum, I’ll set Levi down on his play mat and I’ll do my best to give him my full attention. We usually cuddle and I tell him how much I love him. Or I’ll take a few minutes to play with him. 

Once he settles down and in a better mood, I set him next to Levi and we will all play with each other. 

Tip #5 

Don’t drop everything to cater to just one baby (usually the younger baby)

I have caught myself always saying, “Luke, just one second, I have to go get your brother because he is crying.” Or, “Luke, your brother needs a nap. I need to go put him down.” Or, “Luke, your brother is hungry, I need to feed him.” You get the point. It’s important to also still cater to your first baby’s needs as well. 

So I try to remember it’s okay to let Levi cry a little longer because Luke needs my attention. Or it’s okay to let Levi play by himself while I get Luke’s lunch ready and feed him. And I make sure even though Levi doesn’t understand, I will let him know that his older brother needs my attention.

That way Luke knows that he is important and needs my attention right away also. 

Tip #6

One word: Baby Carrier.

This is my lifesaver on days where Levi won’t nap and is really fussy. It’s my lifesaver on days where Levi happens to be up when I need to make Luke food and he won’t let me put him down.

It allows me to be hands free and cater to Luke while simultaneously giving Levi the cuddles he needs. I use the ring sling which is the best carrier I have used so far.

It’s lightweight, it keeps Levi and I cool, it’s easy to breastfeed in and it’s really easy to adjust and use. The one I have below can be purchased on Amazon and is really affordable. 

Tip #7

Establish the same bed time for both babies 

Since Levi has been about two months, I have been working on putting him to bed around the same time as Luke. This allows for some relaxing quality time with my husband. It allows us to get things done that wasn’t accomplished during the day. It gives us both alone time if we need it. It’s just nice to have a break especially if it’s been a rough day. 

It also keeps the house quiet so both babies can sleep without waking each other up. 

Tip #8

Encourage your babies to play together

I am still having a tough time with the whole attention being split between the two thing. I feel guilty that Levi doesn’t get the attention that Luke got when he was an infant. Then on the flip, I feel guilty that Luke doesn’t get the same attention that he used to get on a daily.

But what has helped with these feelings is watching them both play together. It’s important to start to help build their sibling relationship early. My husband and I are always having Luke say good night to Levi and have him give Levi hugs and kisses all the time.

And I make sure throughout the day, that Luke and Levi play with each other if they are both up. Sometimes I’ll play with or I’ll tell Luke to go play or tickle Levi and I’ll watch from afar. I think giving Luke that independence and alone time with Levi is just as important as having alone time with me. 

Tip #9

Get outside

I haven’t yet built up the courage to go anywhere with both my boys. But I do make sure to get outside almost every day. The fresh air is great for my mental health but even better for my toddler. Luke loves to be outside and explore.

It allows for independent play for Luke which is important for his growth and development. It also breaks up the day and is a great change of scenery. We usually play outside when Levi is napping especially during the summer. But for those times, Levi was awake, the infant dome on the go below is what I used for him. It’s perfect for those sunny days.  

Tip #10

Ask For help

I saved the best for last. If you read my other blog posts, then you know I have mentioned plenty of times that I am terrible at asking for help. I let my pride get in the way for sure. I feel like a bad mom if I ask for help but in reality I am a better mom for it.

There were days that were really, really hard and I wanted to hide away. I am so grateful for those that helped me. I would have missed doctors appointments if it wasn’t for my mother in law. If I didn’t let my husband watch the boys while I took a bath, I probably would have gone insane. 

Motherhood is the best ever and I LOVE taking care of my boys 24/7 but a mama needs a break. You CANNOT keeping giving on an empty tank. So don’t be afraid to ask for help and recharge those batteries, mama. You will be amazed at how better you will feel. I know when my cup is full, I am a much better person to be around and a better mother. 

Those are the tips I have learned thus far in my journey since becoming a mama of two amazing boys. It hasn’t been easy but it has been so worth it. Seeing my boys play and interact with another already is the sweetest thing and I know it’s only going to get sweeter. The good times outweigh the difficult times and I wouldn’t trade being a mom of two under two for anything. Drop a comment below if you have questions or if you have some helpful tips to add. 

two brothers playing with one another

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  1. I’m currently pregnant with my second and will have 2 under 2. These tips were super helpful and ease my anxiety a bit! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Awh, I am so happy I could help and ease your anxiety! <3

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