A encouraging and supporting letter to postpartum mamas who are struggling with body image postpartum. #postpartum #newmoms #empoweringmamas

This is my second time going through postpartum so you would think I would have it a bit more together. I had things prepared like what I needed for physical recovery but I was not prepared for emotional and mental struggles outside of baby blues. I am struggling with postpartum anxiety this time around. But another thing I did not prepare myself for was my feelings in regards to my body image. I had no idea I would struggle so much with how I view myself.

My body did not snap back to the way it did after my first pregnancy. I have a few more stretch marks and a whole lot more loose skin. It’s really easy to give in to these negative feelings and hard to pull yourself away. So I wrote myself a letter with an important and encouraging reminder that all mamas should hold dear when they start struggling with their body image postpartum. Does it take away the new things you don’t love about your changed body? No. But it’ll hopefully help you to accept your changed body and see it for how beautiful it really is.

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When I look at my body or pictures of myself, my first feeling is insecurity. I tend to forget all that it’s been through. I look at the surface and I don’t love what I see. Nothing fits right. I can’t wear anything tight or you’ll see my saggy tummy and fat rolls. I go out in public and I’m scared someone is going to ask how far along I am. I get sucked in to all these negative thoughts.

But then I look at my babies. I am reminded how much I love them and how much they mean to me. I am reminded that this body carried and birthed two healthy babies. I am reminded that the moment I became a mother I was changed and my changed body is simply just a reflection of that. I am reminded when I look at my youngest that I am only five months postpartum. I am reminded to give myself grace and to be patient with myself. I am reminded of this beautiful, challenging, emotional, and amazing season I am in is temporary. I remind myself that baby steps and loving myself through this season are what my body and babies need. ⠀

So yeah, it’s okay to not love what your body looks like right now but I sure love my body for what it’s done. My body is changed forever but so am I and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Mamas, you are beautiful. You are valued. You are appreciated. You are loved. You are strong.


Your fellow struggling mama, your friend, & your supporter

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  1. Gosh, I feel this deep in my soul! I’m 2 month postpartum with baby #3. She was my first c-section and the recovery has been much different as far as not starting hard workouts 5ish weeks after delivery and slimming down quickly! It has me a little down and having those same “saggy belly” thoughts. Thank you for the reminder that our bodies are amazing and have been through a lot in the last few months!

    1. You are absolutely welcome. I am happy to help. 🙂

  2. I love this! Thank you for your honesty and for sharing! It’s encouraging to know that I’m not the only one struggling with postpartum body image issues. I also have 2 littles, and the second time around, it did take longer for my body to “bounce back”. Maybe our bodies will never return back to our pre-pregnancy self, but our hearts won’t either! My heart is bigger and fuller than I ever thought possible!

    1. Yes, I could not agree more! Thank you for reading. <3 🙂

  3. Lorena | www.lorenaylennox.com

    This is such a beautiful post. Thanks for being so vulnerable and sharing your insecurities. I know there are a lot of mamas go through this and it is nice to be able to relate to someone’s story. Love it!

    1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words. Putting myself out there so I can relate and help someone else with a similar struggle makes it all worth it. <3

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