How To Cope With Postpartum Anxiety And Depression

thoughtful young woman looking through blinds of window in daylight

Postpartum anxiety took me by surprise. I have always heard about postpartum depression but never about postpartum anxiety. I have always had anxiety my entire life so I just thought this was normal for me to be especially anxious. But this was more than just anxiety for me. I just had my second child and the postpartum anxiety had manifested into postpartum depression because I never got the postpartum anxiety treated. It led to mom rage and so many other symptoms which I plan on making a blog post about it in the future. But this is what I wish I would have known when I was in the depths of postpartum anxiety and depression.

postpartum anxiety and depression

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Repeat this to yourself a dozen times if you have too, Mama. I know I have too.⠀

It’s so easy to believe our thoughts. They tell us to worry so we do. They tell us we aren’t good enough and we believe it. They tell us to be scared and so we are. ⠀

But Mama, our thoughts only have power if we let them have power. We may not be able to control our thoughts and our emotions but we can control how we respond to them. ⠀

It takes work. It takes patience. It takes practice. ⠀

But don’t ever give your postpartum mental health struggles power to tell you that you aren’t a good mother because of it. ⠀

You wake up every day fighting your demons and taking care of your babies despite your struggle. ⠀

Some days may be harder than others. Some days you are just in survival mode. But you somehow get through. ⠀

You are a good mom. This is just a part of your motherhood journey. Your struggle may just be another mama’s survival guide. ⠀

You will come out stronger and learn you are capable. You will give hope to another mama struggling. ⠀

And p.s., your babies love you still despite all that’s going on in your head. So give yourself grace the way your children too. ⠀

Related Posts: Postpartum anxiety and depression: Normalize going to therapy

Your postpartum anxiety and depression does not define you as a mother. ♥️

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